Getting Started with Automation Let mobile robots & AGVs increase your productivity and efficiency.

Your trusted partner for next-gen automation

Repetitive, consistent, and monotonous tasks are ideal for automation. Be it warehouse intralogistics tasks or campus security, mobile robots and AGVs can do them 24/7 accurately and efficiently. We deliver world-class automation using cutting-edge technology powered by our constant innovation and research. Whatever the sector may be, we will take on challenges from every industry to solve their production, supply chain, and servicing problems with the help of customized robotics solutions.

From a discovery call to installation and maintenance, we are here to help you stay ahead of the curve.

we start delivering from day 1

7 Steps for automation success


We patiently listen to your challenges, requirements, and objectives and discuss potential solutions to achieve your automation goals.


Based on our discussions and the data you provide, we create a proposal that includes off-the-selves robotics solutions recommendations and customized solutions


After you accept the proposal, we plan functional specifications, simulations, and implementation process for clear task definition

Solution Development

After we freeze functional specifications, we start putting it all together with ready-to-go mobile robots and customized systems.


After we have the entire system ready, we install and test run it on your premise for quality control and reliability. We do extensive testing and improve based on the feedback.

Go Live

After testing mobile robots and AGV systems, we go live with your acceptance. We further monitor it for any issue in real-world conditions.

Maintenance & Support

After your system is up and running, we extend our support in maintenance and 24/7 support for training and technical assistance.

We are on standby for any support needed post-installation

Our Support & Services

Different robotics parts such as wheel rollers, batteries, and driving components need regular maintenance along with robotic track cleaning for high performance of the entire automation system. Apart from that, we provide new staff training, technical support, and enhancement measures regularly to drive high ROI from your mobile robots & AGVs.

Daily Support & Maintenance

● Driving lanes cleaning
● Black/white tracks cleaning
● Magnetic tracks cleaning
● Oversight of technical operations

Quarterly Support & Maintenance

● Replacement of wear & tear parts such as wheel rollers, seals, washers, etc.
● Corrective maintenance
● Preventive maintenance

Annual Support & Maintenance

● Inspection of all driving and non-driving components
● Replacement of wear & tear parts such as batteries, wheel assemblies, pneumatic valve, pneumatic cylinders, etc.
● System optimization
● Upgrading automation capabilities

Start your robotics automation journey with world-class technology

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