Retail/Wholesale Smart warehouses for a competitive edge

Ixian Industries design and develop mobile robots to optimize logistics workflows across industries by leveraging artificial intelligence. Our solution-oriented approach for various industrial automation helps clients achieve customer success through technology. Here is a glimpse of our technology for robotics solutions-
Navigation Management
Mission/Workflow Management
Load Management
Human Interaction & Voice Commands
WMS/ERP Integration

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We offer a wide variety of highly reliable, versatile, and sturdy robotic automation solutions at competitive prices. Our programmable robots help you automate all kinds of repetitive, monotonous, and sensitive tasks without any fault.

These robots can perform highly variable and complex functions with the ability to adapt to changing work environments

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Industrial IT/AI

Our industrial robotics solutions are geared towards making repetitive and high-volume production activities efficient and accurate. We integrate state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology to make smart robots that learn from every task to optimize your workflow continuously. These robots are designed to make your end-to-end supply chain more fluid, from manufacturing to assembling final products.

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Service Robotics/Robots

We provide customized service robots solutions for various specialized tasks such as retail, hospitality, healthcare, floor sanitization, surveillance, etc. These robots have capabilities to interact with humans and can be called on-demand or be on-duty 24/7 without any miss. Our professional service robots leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to get better at interacting and assisting humans continuously.

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Warehouse AGV

We deliver world-class warehouse AGV systems & solutions to automate your warehouse workflows from the moment your inventory comes in till it gets out. Our warehouse AGVs help you with storage, retrieval, forklifting, moving carts, assisting conveyor belts, and much more. Warehouse AGV system can be connected with your WMS/ERP to modernize your entire warehouse operations

Let’s solve your automation challenges with high-tech robotics

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